About AV Medical
AV Medical CZ s.r.o. is committed to building its own pharmaceutical portfolio of niche Rx molecules, manufacturing consumables
Since 2018 we have been focused on the development and production of niche Rx molecules, which are defined by no longer being available, by having low availability, by difficult licensing or by market shortages. The entire development and production chain takes place in the European Union and, where reasonably possible, with API produced in the EU, following strict EU guidelines and regulations.
All our molecules come with stability studies for climatic zones II, IVa and IVb.
Started development of a hormonal molecule
Manufacture of validation batches for first biosimilar medicine
Launch of developed Rx molecule in several EU countries
Successful finalization of DCP procedure of developer Rx molecule
Start of DCP procedure of developed Rx molecule
Initiation of development of our first Rx molecule
Launch of first licensed Rx molecule onto the market
Launch of the pharmaceutical division
Launch of the medical technology division
Incorporation of the company – with first division disposables